How Bill Gates Blew $258 million in India's HIV Corridor
Forbes India Magazine of 19 June, 2009
A Five-Star Initiative
False Moves
Where Has All the Money Gone?
An Uncertain Torchbearer
So, the final report card on Avahan:
No human is illegal. No mandatory testing should lead to deportation. Empower migrants to stand up for their rights!
Panel 1 – Universal Access and HIV-related Restrictions on Entry, Stay and Residence
HIV-related restrictions were most put in place in 1980s. Such restrictions are out of line with today’s reality because:
• HIV is everywhere.
• World had become smaller.
• Travel and migration are important.
• HIV treatment had already enhanced and made PLHIV live longer with great productivity and good health condition.
• Universal Access committed by the government means Universal Access for both nationals and non-nationals.
Especially for undocumented migrants and refugees, being hidden due to their legal status is seriously increases stigma against them and hinders access to prevention, care and treatment.
During the report back from the thematic segment, NGO delegates made a statement that NGO report will come with the decision points on the issues that raised repeatedly i.e. inclusion of MMPs in the agenda of the National HIV/AIDS Prevention.
Key message:
Crisis, Opportunity & Transformation: AIDS Responses at the Crossroads
The world is facing a huge crisis at the moment, HIV is now “competing” with other crucial issues such as H1N1, food crisis, global warming and poverty, with 2 million deaths in a year.
UNAIDS had laid out several key objectives:
• Integrated HIV and TB services.
• End two-tiered system of treatment.
• Ensure people in need are on treatment.
• Urgent need to ensure affordable treatment.
• Break the trajectory on HIV epidemic.
• Focus on HIV prevention.
• Combination of prevention.
• Effective Harm Reduction Program.
• HIV prevention.
• Sexual transmission of HIV.
• Reducing sexual transmission of HIV.
• Halting sexual transmission of HIV.
• Focus on reaching more people most at risk.
• Engage country by country.
• Protect and promote human rights.
• Remove punitive law that blocks AIDS responses.
• Rights-based approaches to national policies on IDUs and migrants.
• Confront discrimination and decriminalisation of HIV and PLHIV.
HIV Prevention Research on the Cure
• Optimising and expanding partnerships.
• Intensive consultation.
• Strengthening partnerships.
HIV Prevention Among Injecting Drug Users
"In 2008 there were numbers of IDUs in 148 countries around the world and the HIV infection among IDUs recorded and reported in 120 countries."
The Harm Reduction Programs that is run in many countries offered a series of package such as:
• Needle Syringe Program
• Substitution program [opioid]
• Prevention and treatment of STIs
• Condoms distribution for IDUs and partners
• Targeted information
• Vaccination and treatment of Hep C
• Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of TB
“Solutions must be sustainable on both financial and capacity grounds”
Challenges faced in investing in African States:
Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV
It was requested that UNAIDS provides assistance within the country level to accelerate the support on the ongoing work and result achieved.
MSM, Transgender and HIV
• To enhance and furthering human rights.
• Strengthen and promote evidence-based data.
• Strengthen and ensuring better responses.
The NGO Delegations from Latin America and the Caribbean expressed that the discussion about women started far too late. It should be done 10 years a go or even in the beginning of the epidemic. The involvement of men in gender equality is important but women’s empowerment is a crucial part of the intervention, while human rights-based approaches are a necessity. The framework introduced by UNAIDS is not involving women at the grassroots levels. It is also necessary to include the different situation and background of women in the framework document. The delegate indicated that there were several missing points such as sexual & reproductive health and rights, violence and sex education. Thus, the delegates recommend forming an Advisory Group for women’s framework that will develop and monitor the plan.
Zambia expressed the need in conducting trainings on HIV/AIDS in the emergency situation. Another thing highlighted by Zambia was that they have a law against MSM and currently a lot of advocacy had been done in order to change the law.
There were numerous suggestions in terms on the framework which consists of importance of inclusion of experts and grassroots people with life experiences in program designing as well as in the advisory group; recognition on women’s diversity; the importance of the framework to address particular groups such as migrants, transgender and MSM in the less developed countries.
ILO specifically addressed that they were working towards the new standard of the code of practice on HIV at the workplace with recognition of gender diversity.
“The biggest challenge in fighting AIDS is in the mindset of people and on how to change their attitude…”
“Delivering as One” has several key issues as mentioned below:
• Commitment UN leadership at Head Quarter level.
• National leadership and ownership need to be scaled up.
• Harmonisation and simplification of business practice within the UN bodies.
• Increased transaction costs.
• Lack of clear accountability and incentive for agency staff.
• Capacity of UN agencies.
• Adherence to the Paris Declaration agenda.
• ‘Delivering as One’ initiative is working.
• UNAIDS served to be a useful model.
• Need to sustain the programs.
The NGO Delegations requested clarification on the difference role of the UNAIDS HQ and Regional Offices, especially anything related to technical assistance. Better communication needs to be built.
Zambia mentioned that the document of ‘Delivering as One’ did not reflect any impacts in financial sector. Meanwhile, The UK and its constituents [Ireland and Italy] expressed the need for agencies and HQ to reconfirm their commitment accordingly to the TOR. On the other hand, Turkey and its constituents [Australia, Canada, Greece and New Zealand] addressed that there is a need to see the developing of a more comprehensive program implementation indicators, while Switzerland recalled keeping the UN reform process on top of priority and Netherlands together with its constituents [Belgium, Luxemburg and Portugal] requested UNAIDS to maximise its engagement in developing countries. ‘Delivering as One’ can learn a lot, on the other hands there must impacts that change the environment. France and its constituents [Germany, Lichtenstein and Monaco] mentioned that mainstreaming and harmonising the programs in the field is fully supported. However, the document did not practically present the actions to be taken and further details on the costing should be discussed separately.
Oversight objectives:
• A credible and independent evaluation.
• A high quality, forward-looking report relevant to the future of UNAIDS
There is a need to streamline the working methods of the PCB in line with existing resolutions, establishing the Joint Programme as well as implementing decision by PCB and respecting the role & responsibility of Executive Director. Decided to establish an ad-interim Working Group [WG] to review the working methods of the PCB and prepare proposals for the 25th PCB meeting. Taking into consideration the conclusions and recommendation of the 2nd Independent Evaluation. The WG should be established by the PCB Bureau following to the composition of 2 member states per region and 2 NGO representatives.
For more information, please visit the 9th ICAAP website at
On behalf of the local organizing committee and our Indonesian and
international partners, we would like to invite you to join us for the
9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 9),
to be held in
The Congress Theme is Empowering People, Strengthening Networks. It
wishes to bring people from various backgrounds in Asia and the
Pacific region to meet and share knowledge, skills, ideas, research
findings related to HIV and AIDS. This is also be an opportunity for
people to provide mutual support and make stronger commitments in
their fight towards the epidemic.
For more information, please visit the 9th ICAAP website at
We encourage online registration through the congress website at
Deadline for Early Bird Registration: Saturday, 28 February 2009
Deadline for Regular Registration: Sunday, 31 May 2009
Late Registration Charge applies: 1 June 2009
Deadline for Media Registration: Tuesday, 30 June 2009
For online registration and more information, please visit the 9th
ICAAP website at
We encourage online submission through the congress website at
Deadline for Online Abstract Submission: Sunday, 15 March 2009
Late breaker Abstract Submission: Monday, 1 June 2009 – Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Congress Tracks (Scientific- Studies/Experien ce-based)
Track A: Understanding the Epidemic and Strengthening Prevention Efforts
Track B: Strengthening Partnership for Treatment, Care, and Support
Track C: AIDS in Context: Understanding and Addressing Socio-Cultural,
Economic and Political Determinants
Track D: Leadership and Broadening the Response
For online submission and more information, please visit the 9th ICAAP
website at
We encourage online submission through the congress website at
Deadline for Online Proposal Submission: Sunday, 15 March 2009
1. Leadership skills.
2. Organizational development and management.
3. Empowering infected and affected people to improve their quality
of life.
4. Strategy and education skills on HIV prevention, care and supports.
5. Resource mobilisations skills.
For online submission and more information, please visit the 9th ICAAP
website at
We encourage online submission through the congress website at
Deadline for Online Proposal Submission: Sunday, 15 March 2009
For online submission and more information, please visit the 9th ICAAP
website at
We encourage online submission through the congress website at
Deadline for Scholarship Application: Thursday, 30 April 2009
Scholarship Category:
1. Community Scholarships
2. Scientific Scholarships (for healthcare professionals, researchers,
and/or graduate students)
3. Media Scholarships
4. Youth Scholarships
For online submission and more information, please visit the 9th ICAAP
website at
9th ICAAP Secretariat:
Menara Eksekutif 8th Floor
Jalan MH Thamrin Kav. 9,
Phone: +62 21 39838845/46
Fax: +62 21 39838847
Website: http://www.icaap9. org
Email. secretariat@
The dates mentioned below are the last day of every activity: